ADIPEC: 10 Years On

Our COO, Peter Bottomley, reflects on a decade of attending ADIPEC, highlighting how the event, the industry, and his role in the sector have evolved from 2014 to 2024.

Peter Bottomley COO with cityscape

October 7, 2024

Reflecting on a Decade

Before diving right in, let me introduce myself - I’m Peter Bottomley, COO here at WeConnect Energy. I have been with the company since its humble beginnings, joining in 2011, way back when we  were known as Subsurface Global. This year marks my 10th anniversary of attending ADIPEC (Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference), a milestone that has encouraged me to reflect on how both the industry and this event have evolved since my first visit in 2014.

This year’s ADIPEC, which promises to be more impressive than ever, is a testament to the event’s growing popularity and reputation in the industry. In this blog article, I’ll reflect on my first venture to Abu Dhabi and my standout moments, and share my thoughts on what is making this year’s event particularly notable for all the right reasons.

The journey from ADIPEC 2014 to 2024 has mirrored the growth of both the energy industry, and my own professional journey within it. My recruitment career path began as a fresh entry-level graduate 13 years ago stepping - or stumbling into a graduate role, depending on who you ask. Years later, I now find myself in the position of COO at WeConnect Energy. In many ways, my role trajectory neatly reflects the opportunities and that exist within forward thinking energy-supporting industries like ours.

Looking back on that initial ADIPEC experience, which now, somewhat worryingly feels like a lifetime ago, one thing that immediately struck me was the sheer scale. For the uninitiated, stepping up to viewing the event agenda board it can be somewhat overwhelming. If this is your first time attending, my advice to you is to be strategic: know what you want to see, where it’s happening, and prioritise the sessions and exhibitors that align with your goals. Proper preparation is key to not getting lost in the mix —familiarise yourself with the layout, schedule, and key participants to make the most of your experience. A thorough review of the online schedule and listings in my opinion is essential, and thankfully, it’s all very clearly mapped out on the official website here.

A Memorable Start: ADIPEC 2014

At the time, ADIPEC 2014 was one of the largest gatherings of oil and gas professionals globally, with more than 1,800 exhibiting companies and over 70,000 attendees according to their website! The event was a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and networking opportunities and it was particularly special as the event was officially celebrating its 30th year. The importance of the event within the energy industry cannot be downplayed, as it seemed like everyone in my network was in Abu Dhabi!

The theme at the time interestingly enough was that of 'Challenges and Opportunities for the Next 30 Years'. Over the course of the four-day event, discussions covered various topics but mainly focused on the key areas of declining oil prices, shale gas production in the US, concessions for oil companies in the UAE, and the progress of oil projects globally. I remember two quite distinct keynotes from the event. The first was from Dr Michio Kaku, a leading scientist and advocate for the preservation of the environment, who spoke of the future of the industry and the efforts needed to meet the growing energy demands.

The other, was an engaging keynote speech was delivered by Bob Dudley, the then CEO of BP, who emphasised the future of digital oilfields. Back then, this was a burgeoning concept that promised to integrate digital technologies to enhance operational efficiency and data management. They both really hammered home the message that a collective effort was needed to drive the industry forward from a sustainability perspective.


Exhibition attendees expected at ADIPEC 2024


Exhibiting companies (source:


Country Pavilions, including Bonnie Scotland, where you can find our team

As a recruitment company, ADIPEC offers us a truly unique chance to engage with industry leaders and the brightest minds in energy alike, ensuring we’re at the front line of talent acquisition in the energy sector.

Peter Bottomley

COO, WeConnect Energy

How the Energy Industry Evolved

We can all agree that over the past decade, the oil and gas industry has undergone some transformative changes. The digital revolution, which was a freshly budding concept way back in 2014, has now become a cornerstone of the energy industry. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) have been widely adopted to help optimise operations, enhance predictive maintenance, and thankfully, improve safety. I have seen these buzzword and related skills increasingly cropping up on candidate profiles and job specifications alike.

As ever, the geopolitical landscape has significantly influenced the industry over this period. Events such as the oil price collapse of 2014-2016 and the COVID-19 pandemic have played crucial roles in shaping the industry's direction. Ongoing shifts in global and national energy policies, including the recent announcement by Labour's Ed Miliband regarding North Sea licenses in the UK, and the looming threats of global conflicts, contribute to the current turbulence in the energy sector.

Another major evolution has been in the field of renewable energy integration. The industry has progressively recognised the importance of sustainable practices and the integration of renewable energy sources. Companies are now investing heavily in research and development to explore hybrid-energy solutions that combine traditional oil and gas with renewable energy sources like solar and wind. This shift is driven not only by environmental concerns, but also by the need for energy diversification and security. These concerns are one of the very reasons we launched our new Low Carbon and Renewables sector earlier this year. For further reading, our renewables consultant, Natascha Marais, unpacks the topic of energy diversification in depth in her recently written blog.

Looking Ahead: ADIPEC 2024

Being part of the Scale Up Scotland programme in 2023 gave us valuable first hand insight into the significant support provided by the Scottish government. Scale Up is an initiative supported by the Scottish Enterprise with the objective of fostering economic growth in Scotland. Their assistance in helping us access new networks and brand-building opportunities was a key factor in our decision to collaborate with them—this time for our trip to ADIPEC.

As a result, this year is particularly historic for the team at WeConnect Energy, as we have the honour of exhibiting for the first time at the Scottish Pavilion (Stand Number 8450, Hall 8) with Scottish Development International (SDI). We are part of a stand representing and promoting energy-focused, Scottish-based companies, marking an exciting milestone for us.

The Scotland Pavilion is one of 30 Country Pavilions at the event. Being a part of this gives us a unique opportunity to explore commonalities with other Scotland-based companies. As a company, it will be excellent to understand how they approach the energy market and discover what they are contributing to innovation within the industry.

One of the key themes of ADIPEC 2024 is the energy transition, the future of the oil and gas industry and how to address the world’s most urgent challenges through accelerated energy action. The strategic conference will examine four key themes primarily focused around climate action, cross-sector partnerships in decarbonising the energy sector, and tech advancements to fast track the energy transition. These topics are crucial as the industry navigates the complexities of transitioning to a more sustainable energy future, while continuing to meet the ever-growing global energy demands.

For those interested in all things tech, the event will also highlight the latest innovations in digital technologies, with a particular emphasis on a topical theme: cybersecurity. As the industry becomes more digitised and susceptible to online attacks, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has become integral. Regarding this, a particular stat that shocked me when I was doing my own reading into the area, was that in the energy sector, 90% of the world’s largest energy suppliers experienced breaches in 2023. With coordinated cyber-attacks targeting critical energy infrastructure across Europe in particular. ADIPEC 2024 will showcase cutting-edge solutions designed to protect from cyber threats, ensuring the safety and reliability of these critical operations.

Aside from the conferences, I have to mention the networking opportunities in Abu Dhabi, this of course remains a cornerstone of ADIPEC and one of the principal reasons why the team and I have attended annually. Feel free to reach out to me if you are attending and would like to catch up. Otherwise, you can’t miss the Saltire draped Scotland pavilion, our stand number is 8450, Hall 8, please do pop over to say hello to myself or the wider team when passing.

Staying on the theme of catching up, what’s certain is that if 2023’s figures are anything to go by, then we are in for a real treat in November. With an expected 184,00 attendees and 1,800+ conference speakers this year, the trend with ADIPEC is that it’s growing in popularity, promising to be bigger than ever. Even more exciting is that WeConnect Energy will have a significant presence at ADIPEC, bringing our largest team to Abu Dhabi to date. It's a lively mix, with Scottish, English, Irish, Emiratis and South African members joining us on this adventure. Below are the individuals including myself, who will be attending:

Michael Way – Business Development Manager

Jonathan Purdie – Head of Corporate

Andrew Pretswell – Senior Consultant, Corporate

Richard Madden – CEO

Daniel Brook – Managing Director

Natascha Marais – Consultant, Low Carbon & Renewables

Maryam Alremeithi – Sales and Marketing Associate

Peter Bottomley - COO

A Decade of Positive Change

Upon reflection, the journey from the then cutting-edge innovations and technologies showcased in 2014 to the sustainability-focused, forward-thinking agenda of 2024 underscores an industry that is adapting in the face of human and wider global challenges. As we look ahead, what does the future hold for ADIPEC, and will it continue to be relevant? If the current upward trends in attendance, exhibitor numbers, and deal values are any indication—its popularity is only going to increase. ADIPEC is on track, some would argue already there, in securing its position as the premier global energy industry event, and is now a staple on our team’s event calendar!

Before concluding, it’s worth highlighting that for those either interested or invested in the global stage of the energy sector, there’s more in the pipeline. Just days after ADIPEC, 198 countries will convene in Baku, Azerbaijan for COP29. The timing of ADIPEC just a week before therefore is particularly significant. It should provide the necessary platform for the energy industry to showcase progress on the climate action commitments and targets established during the previous Dubai Consensus at COP28. The close proximity of these events offers attendees and participants a rather unique opportunity to align their efforts and priorities with the broader global agenda on sustainability. No easy feat, but with the ADIPEC agenda packed with decarbonisation and energy transition conferences, it’s clear sustainability is centre stage.

To learn more about what’s on the agenda at COP29, I recommend exploring this comprehensive summary provided by the World Economic Forum. A word of warning though, upon first read, the tone is somewhat downbeat in regards to targets hit, but there are some positives woven within it!

Heading back to ADIPEC? I look forward to connecting with like-minded energy experts. If anyone wants to drop me a message to speak about your recruitment requirements, securing you a new role, or simply to catch up, please do reach out, and enjoy the experience when it comes.

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