Meet Natalia

Spotlight on our Digital Marketing Associate Natalia who joined us in October 2023. Read the article below to get to know more about Natalia and her role at WeConnect Energy.

Natalia Nagorska portrait

July 14, 2024

Tell me a bit about yourself and your background.

I grew up in Poland and moved to Scotland when I was 15 years old. During university, I worked in customer service and social media, which fuelled my passion for marketing. After graduating with a degree in Business Management and Marketing from Edinburgh Napier University, I spent nearly three years in e-commerce marketing before joining WeConnect Energy in October 2023. I joined just several days after the company’s rebrand from Subsurface Global, stepping into the role of Digital Marketing Associate based out of our Edinburgh headquarters.

How has your time at WeConnect Energy been so far?

Time has flown by so quickly – I can hardly believe I’m nearing my one-year anniversary. From day one I felt like part of the team, thanks to the incredibly friendly and welcoming atmosphere. I vividly remember my second week in my job and thinking to myself, wow I already feel like I have worked here for months! (in a good way, of course).

The company culture here is collaborative, innovative, and supportive, with a strong focus on teamwork and a shared passion for achieving results. The social aspect is fantastic, too, with team days out, charity events, and fitness challenges keeping us connected outside of work. I must say that since joining the company my social calendar has never been busier!

I have also enjoyed being involved in various diversity and inclusion initiatives. It's inspiring to be part of a team that values and actively promotes a diverse and inclusive workplace. Recently, I attended the WENA (Women in Energy Network Association) conference, which was a great experience, providing valuable insights and networking opportunities. Feel free to read about my takeaways from the event here. I'm also proud to contribute to the Spotlight on Women in STEM e-magazine alongside my colleague Holly (Drilling, Wells & HSE Recruitment Consultant), where we highlight the achievements and challenges faced by women in the energy industry.

So far, my experience has been a blend of challenging projects, dedicated hard work, and plenty of fun - exactly what I hoped for and more!

What’s a typical day like for you?

As a Digital Marketing Associate, my role involves establishing, developing, and managing our digital marketing initiatives. It’s hard to describe a typical day as no two days are ever the same -  I’m sure fellow marketers can relate! My work ranges from creating social media content, improving website user experience to launching new ad campaigns and optimising SEO. Regardless of the task, my focus is always on increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and generating leads.

What are some of the most exciting projects you’ve worked on so far?

We kicked off 2024 with the launch of our new Low Carbon and Renewables sector. This project was my first major undertaking and involved creating a dedicated section on the website and promotional strategy, including social media content, paid ads, email campaigns, and PR.

The second project was the biggest yet and it involved creating a Job board portal within our website and integrating it with our new CRM. Being responsible for the delivery and success of this project was hugely rewarding and gave me the opportunity to gain new experience and confidence. It was amazing being able to see my ideas come to life and have such huge impact on company-wide processes.

What is the most challenging part of your job, and how do you handle it?

Initially, my biggest challenge was knowing how to communicate effectively with different audiences across various sectors of the energy industry, such as our geoscience versus the drilling and wells community. Each audience has distinctive characteristics due to the highly technical and specialised nature of their work, requiring tailored communication. Over time, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge, and it has become much easier to ensure all content is relevant foreach group.

Juggling multiple marketing tasks simultaneously is another demanding aspect of my role. From coordinating campaigns and creating content to managing social media and analysing data, there’s always a lot to think about. I always focus on what will have the biggest impact and keep us moving toward our goals. Handling numerous marketing projects at the same time can feel like a rollercoaster ride, but I’ve learned to enjoy every twist and turn.

Holly, Bryce, Beatrice and Natalia (left to right)

What’s a piece of advice you’d pass onto someone who wants to get into marketing?

Get work experience as soon as possible. Marketing is very competitive, and a degree alone often isn’t enough. Find a mentor, make connections, and reach out on LinkedIn. You’d be surprised how helpful people can be. Remember, everyone started somewhere.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

“What’s for you won’t go by you.”

Sometimes things don’t go to plan, but I’ve often found that things turnout even better later on. Have faith, and what’s meant to be will be.

How do you balance your professional and personal life?

Balancing my professional and personal life requires a combination of effective time management, setting clear boundaries, and prioritising self-care. I make sure to organise my work tasks with detailed planning and set realistic goals to stay on track (love a to-do list!).

I always take my much-needed lunch break and go to the gym or for a walk to stay motivated and avoid the post-lunch slump.

What do you get up to when you are not working?

Outside of work, I enjoy staying active, and discovering new places in and around Edinburgh. Despite living here for eight years, there are still spots like Jupiter Artland for example, that are still on my list to explore. Depending if I am in my introverted or extroverted mood at the time, you will either find me hanging out with friends and family, or hibernating at home with a takeaway and Netflix. Or better yet, DIY-ing or planning my next trip abroad!

Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh
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